Arrow Wall Decor – DIY Wood Arrows Wall Art

Learn how to make arrow wall decor for your home.

Make your own Arrow Wall Decor! Fabulous DIY Wood Arrows Wall Art tutorial! Includes FREE Arrow Template!

Disclosure: I was provided product by BEHR to write this post but the thoughts and opinions expressed are my own!

My friends at BEHR have released the BEHR 2016 Color Trends! Have you had a chance to check them out? If you haven’t, you must! You can see all 20 brand-new hues at BEHR Paint.

I LOVE that the BEHR 2016 Color Trends are a mixture of bright and bold colors along with lighter colors! The colors have been divided into 4 themes: High Contrast, Luxe Dimension, Blurred Boundaries, and Lyrical Living.

I’m loving the colors so much that today I’m sharing with you a really fun DIY project featuring 6 colors from the BEHR 2016 Color Trends: Arrow Wall Decor!

Make your own Arrow Wall Decor! Fabulous DIY Wood Arrows Wall Art tutorial! Includes FREE Arrow Template!

Arrow Wall Decor – DIY Wood Arrows Wall Art

(to make a set of 4)

  • 4x Wood plaques – 24″ x 3.75″
  • 4x Wood dowels – 21″
  • Wood for arrowheads and fletchings.
  • Arrow template
  • Carbon paper
  • Pencil
  • Sand paper
  • BEHR Premium Plus Ultra Paint – Interior Matte
  • Foam brush
  • Paint brush
  • Paper towel
  • Thin paint brush
  • Wax paper
  • Glue (optional)
  • Self-leveling hooks


  • Radial saw
  • Drill press
  • Scroll saw
  • Nail gun


Step 1: I started off by drawing my arrowheads and fletching.

Lucky for you, I have a printable arrow template for you! You’ll notice that I made two different designs, you’re welcome. hehe

FREE Arrow Wall Art Printable Template. Use this template to make wood arrows! Beautiful Wall Art!

Step 2: With the help of carbon paper and a pencil, I transferred the contour of the arrow templates onto wood. Do this 4 times.

Step 3: We used a radial saw to cut and separate the arrowheads and fletchings.

Step 4: Using a drill bit a little bigger than the dowel, we drilled a small hole in the arrowheads. Just enough for a dowel to slip in.

Step 5: Using the same bit, we drilled a hole straight through each fletching.

Straight through because the dowel will be going through both ends of the fletching.

Step 6: Using a scroll saw, we cut out the arrowheads and fletchings.

How to cut arrows and fletchings out of wood.

Step 7: Using low grit sand paper, I sanding all the pieces we had cut.

Sanding with sanding block

Now the really fun part! I took out the paint I was going to use for the arrowheads and fletchings!

BEHR Premium Plus Ultra – Interior Matte
Emperor’s Silk – T16-03 ~ Pagoda – T16-02 ~ Canary Diamond – T16-05
Coralette – T16-07 ~ Galapagos – T16-04

BEHR 2016 Color Trends

Step 8: We painted the arrowheads using a foam brush.

You’ll notice a lot of them in the photo, we made 8 arrows.

Painting Arrowheads

Step 9: Using carbon paper, I traced the interior designs onto the fletchings.

Tracing designs onto wood project.

Step 10: We painted the fletchings!

I had predetermined the color patterns I wanted, I suggest you do the same.

Painting fletching

Here are all our painted arrow pieces:

Talk about color heaven! LOVE!!

Painted Arrow Pieces with BEHR 2016 Color Trends.
Painted Arrow Pieces with BEHR 2016 Color Trends.
Painted Arrow Pieces with BEHR 2016 Color Trends.
Painted Arrow Pieces with BEHR 2016 Color Trends.

Step 11: Time to work on the wood plaques! I sanded them with low grit sand paper until they were nice and smooth!

Step 12: Time to stain the plaques!

My favorite way to give wood a stained look is by using paint that I water down. I used the same staining technique on the Diamond Shaped Wood Mosaic Wall Art.

I started by applying a small amount of BEHR Premium Plus Ultra – Interior Matte in Black Pearl T16-01 (another color from BEHR 2016 Color Trends) on a plaque with a foam brush.

Step 13: Then I added drops of water with a paint brush and blended with my foam brush.

Step 14: I used paper towel to wipe off the paint, this gives the wood a stained look.

Step 15: I continued this process on each edge of the plaque. I repeated the entire process on each plaque.

How to stain wood plaques.
Stained wood plaques

Step 16: I applied BEHR Premium Plus Ultra – Interior Matte in Black Pearl T16-01 on all the dowels using a foam brush.

Painting dowels

Step 17: Using the BEHR Premium Plus Ultra – Interior Matte in Black Pearl T16-01 once again, I added little lines between the colors.

I put a couple drops of paint onto wax paper and mixed it with a little bit of water.

I dipped my thin paint brush in the mixture and made lines on the wax paper until I felt the lines were perfect for the fletchings.

I proceeded by painting lines between the colors on the fletchings.

Painting details onto arrows.

Step 18: Once the lines were dry, I proceeded by using low grit sand paper to sand off paint from the arrowheads and fletchings.

I wanted the pieces to look worn.

Sanding arrows

Step 19: Time to insert the dowels in the arrowheads and through the fletchings!

Adding dowels

Step 20: Next, we attached self-leveling hooks.

We made sure to attach them all at the same location in the back of the plaques so that we could easily line up the plaques when it would be time to hang them to the wall.

We attached the hooks before the arrows so that we could lay the plaques flat easily.

Step 21: I placed the arrows where I wanted them, and we carefully flipped the plaques over (making sure not to move the arrows).

With the plaque face down (arrow down), we used a nail gun to attach the arrows onto the plaques.

If you don’t have a nail gun, you can use wood glue. In fact, you could also use both wood glue and a nail gun.

Attaching self-leveling hooks

Step 22: Hang the Arrow Wall Art and Enjoy!

Make your own Arrow Wall Decor! Fabulous DIY Wood Arrows Wall Art tutorial! Includes FREE Arrow Template!
Make your own Arrow Wall Decor! Fabulous DIY Wood Arrows Wall Art tutorial! Includes FREE Arrow Template!
Make your own Arrow Wall Decor! Fabulous DIY Wood Arrows Wall Art tutorial! Includes FREE Arrow Template!
Make your own Arrow Wall Decor! Fabulous DIY Wood Arrows Wall Art tutorial! Includes FREE Arrow Template!
Make your own Arrow Wall Decor! Fabulous DIY Wood Arrows Wall Art tutorial! Includes FREE Arrow Template!

Here’s one set of arrows hanging in my living room. I just LOVE them!

The colors bring such a nice touch of color to my living room.

Sébastien suggested that I put our other set on the other side of the window, I may just do that!

Make your own Arrow Wall Decor! Fabulous DIY Wood Arrows Wall Art tutorial! Includes FREE Arrow Template!

What do you think? Aren’t the arrows wonderful? You better say yes! hehe

If you LOVED this project using the BEHR 2016 Color Trends,
you’ll LOVE these projects from my fellow BEHR DIY Experts!

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Aren’t their projects fabulous!? P.S. If you are looking for some more colorful inspiration, make sure to check out BEHR’s blog: Colorfully, BEHR

Don’t forget, if you liked the Arrow Wall Art, SHARE IT with your friends! :)
You can share the link to this post via Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, etc…

Have yourself a COLORFUL day!


Disclosure: A big THANK YOU to BEHR for sponsoring this post. As always, all opinions in this post are 100% my own.

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  1. Such a fun project! Wish I could make it but I don’t have the big power tools. You should make these and sell them! I would say I’m joking, but now that I think about it, I almost think you really could…

  2. Those colours are amazing. I love the arrows that you made. They would be a beautiful focal point. I can see them being a great piece of conversation starters. I wish I had the energy to make this, can I just buy them from you I love the pop in colour. Would go so nicely in my living room.

  3. Christine! I”m so in love with this project. It’s so creative and love the colours you chose. This would look so fab in my daughters room. You did such a great job.

  4. Oh doggone it, missed your contest drawing. The colors you have are so gorgeous, especially the coralette. Hoping to paint our room that color with apple green and white.
    I am so loving these arrows, the colors are perfect, I’m a “gotta have color” person. Have big US map up and want to make arrows to certain places, thought arrows would be pretty indicators. Try something little different for travel. Just places we’ve lived in almost 47 years will be more than enuf, lol Have another arrow for summer also but can be used for this also. Kind of like a gallery wall of places lived. Been waiting til I was sure what I wanted to do before I started it and finding your arrows was perfect touch to add. Thanks for great inspiration, great tutorial and idea with patterns.
    Happy week to you.

  5. I love this colorful project! The arrows are just too cute, and you did an excellent job on it. Thanks for sharing this project with us at Totally Terrific Tuesday…it’s one of my features this week! Congrats! Be sure to stop by tonight to see your feature. Remember the party starts at 10pm EST!

  6. Hi there Christine,
    I absolutely love your arrows! I can definitely see the similarities you have in your arrows and pics as the ones I have personally created over a year ago. Id love it if you allowed me to post mine on your blog for those that don’t wish to DIY as I am a very small business and could use all the help I could get. Thank you! And what a beautiful job you’ve done on such super cute arrows! I love your color choices :D

  7. This is really beautiful, the colours are perfect. Thanks for sharing an oldie from the archives with us at Handmade Monday (I love it when people do that!!)

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