Triplet Tote Tutorial – Sewing for Beginners {Craft Snob}

Triplet Tote Tutorial – Sewing for Beginners ~ Learn how to sew a triplet tote with this easy sewing for beginners tutorial.

Triplet Tote sewing tutorial for beginners.

I’m so excited about today’s post!!

My friend Sara from Craft Snob is here to share a beginners sewing tutorial with us!! Yay!!

You all know how I’ve been dying to start to sew, I even put together a Sewing 101 post last year. 

This tutorial is definitely the push I need to start!

You’ll find below an AMAZING Triplet Tote Tutorial, which I can’t wait to make myself.


I frequently carry a one pocket tote around with a bunch of things ranging from my laptop, notebooks, pens, thumb drives, etc. Often my pens and other small accessories fall below my notebooks and laptop, making it difficult to find what I am looking for.

To solve this problem, I wanted to make a tote with three dividers: one for my laptop, one for my notebooks, and one for smaller miscellaneous items.

The result? The Triplet Tote, which has three sections of equal size. 

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Triplet Tote Tutorial – Sewing for Beginners



  • Assume all allowances are 1/4 inch unless stated otherwise.


Step 1:

  • Cut two of each: Exterior (28″x12″) – Lining (28″x12″) – Handles (26″x4″)
Sewing Tutorial for Beginners - Triplet Tote

Step 2:

  • Fold handle in half lengthwise and press. (See photo below.)
  • Open the handle, fold both edges towards the center, and press.
  • Fold along the creased center-line and press again.
  • Top-stitch all the way around.
  • Repeat for the other handle.
How to make Tote Handles - Sewing for beginners

Step 3:

  • Lay the lining right side up. Place one handle as shown in the photo below.
  • Lay the exterior right side down. Sew along the edges as shown in the photo below. (Leave a few inches open at the bottom.)
  • Repeat the above steps with the other lining, exterior and handle.
Sewing tutorial for beginners - Tote

Step 4:

  • Turn right side out and press.
  • Sew the bottom opening closed.
  • Top-stitch across the top. (See photo below)
Tote 101 Sewing Tutorial

Step 5:

  • (You should have two identical pieces.)
  • Fold each piece in half about the centerline.
  • Line the bottom up with the top.
How to sew a tote - Tutorial

Step 6:

  • Lay one on top of the other, making sure the handles are on the exterior.
How to Sew a Handle onto a Tote
Bag Tutorial for beginners

Step 7:

  • Top-stitch along the sides and bottom with 3/4 inch allowance.
How to sew a bag

Now you’re all done.

Pop a few of your favorite items into the tote.

I’m so glad I won’t be losing pens and such beneath my notebooks and laptop anymore.

How to sew a tote with three compartments

Triplet Tote -Tutorial

I love how the sides turned out! Aren’t they fun and different?

Triplet Tote Tutorial - Sewing for Beginners
Triplet Tote Sewing Tutorial for Beginners
Triplet Tote - Sewing Tutorial for Beginners. This is a perfect DIY sewing project for beginners. This step by step tutorial will have you creating your very first sewing project in no time.

Thank you Christine for allowing me to share a beginner sewing project with your amazing readers.

Sara, creator of WE SEW Crooked, a fun beginner sewing class for new and nervous sewers. Craft Snob is where I host the Bite Sized Sewing Series chalk full of easy sewing projects. My favorite sewing projects are beginner ones because they are fast, easy, and kind of like instant gratification, right?

Sara – Craft Snob
P.S. I’ll be linking to these Parties.

P.S. I tried Sara’s tutorial and I made my very own Triplet Tote!!

YAY!! Come on over and check it out:

Triplet Tote - Sewing for beginners! Sewing 101 #sewing #sewingforbeginners #sewing101

P.P.S. Don’t forget to check out my Sewing 101 Guide for beginners… like me

Sewing 101
Sewing 101 for beginners like me. A sewing guide for beginners that includes a dictionary with pics, demonstrates how to install a zipper and lots in between. Great resource! #sewing #sewing101 #sewingguide #sewingtutorial #learntosew

Here are more sewing projects for beginners:

20+ Sewing Tutorials for Beginners

20+ Sewing Tutorials for Beginners. A great collection of sewing tutorials that are perfect for beginners. Happy sewing!

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    1. hey, looks awesome!!! do you use any stabilizer? and how thin are the fabrics? would it work also with canvas on the outside and cotton for the lining?

  1. I love this tote! I am not very good at sewing, but have made a few things before. My daughter actually made a tote very similar to this last year when she was learning. Her friends asked her to make them one so she is putting her skills to work during this cold winter to surprise them!

  2. I found your blog from the Serenity Saturday link party. I LOVE this tutorial, thanks for sharing. I look forward to start this sewing project :)


  3. Oh my goodness! This bag turned out so great :) I am not a sewer, and have barely mastered sewing on a button, but I think I could maybe do this if I tried! Looks pretty simple and I am a huge fan of totes! Nicely done :)

  4. Super cute and great instructions, very clear. I keep trying to teach my girls to sew and no one is ever excited about the project ideas I have for them but this one might work!

  5. Or you could use 4 different fabrics that coordinate and make it kind of fun that way! This is so cute – once I figured out what was going on… I’m kind of slow on the sewing thing, but when I finally got it I went “ooooooooo” Love Love LOVE it!

  6. So simple and pretty!
    Plus, my favorite handle making technique. :)

    Off to measure my tech to make sure it fits! (Can you share the dimensions of your laptop so we have a starting point?


  7. What is the reason for the 3/4″ seam allowance at the last part? I love the bag, but the seam allowance seems so big. I think, I would like it better with a smaller edge.

  8. Another little addition you could do is to sew straight up the middle on one side before you sew up the edges. This would leave one side with two smaller pockets for pens and such, and the other with one larger pocket for notebook/laptop/tablet.

  9. I am a brand spanking new sewer and it took me about 6 hours to make this (that’s including figuring out how to thread the darn bobbin, repeated trips to the ironing board, agonizing over cutting the fabric, taking a slow and steady approach). So very cute and satisfying to make, the hardest part was picking out the fabric!

    1. Awe Kelly, I just bought a sewing machine and I’m with ya. Lots of ironing, re-cutting, re-sewing, unsewing, looking at my manual and my sewing machine dvd…I decided to make roman shades for my first project, not easy nor fun lol but I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

  10. Thank you for making a tutorial so easy for a beginner like me to do. I get so lost with some of the wording used in sewing tutorials.

  11. What am awesome idea! I love this tote! I finally have a place I can store my laptop and regular purse things without creating soooo many complicated pockets! Thanks1

  12. This is so great! I’ve been searching for a simple yet functional bag for notebooks and other writing supplies. Thanks for the tutorial. You’ve made life so much easier today!

  13. So glad I found you through Marty’s link party! My pens always disappear to the bottom of my bag too – what a great idea to sew separate compartments!

  14. This 3 compartment tote bag is great, and the instructions are the best written I have ever seen. I read thru them and understood every step. thanks for posting such a great pattern

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