Decorative Pencils – Family Friendly Craft

This post is part of the and Club House #SlowCookFun sponsored program. I received compensation as a thank-you for my participation. This post reflects my personal opinion about the information provided by the sponsors.

How to make decorative pencils. This is a great family friendly craft.

Pencils decorated with tape and jewels.

As most of you know, we LOVE crafting as a family.. even my husband joins in sometimes. We can spend an entire day just crafting and making a mess (a fun mess of course).

Crafting is fun, but even more fun when you can do it an entire day and not worry about supper. Lucky for me, I have a slow cooker and Club House Slow Cookers Seasoning Mixes that I can use to make meal time super easy.

Sunday morning when my daughters woke up, they asked if we could have a crafting day. We had spent Saturday running around, so I gladly said yes. I liked the idea of having a quiet day at home.

I took out my slow cooker, Club House Slow Cookers Seasoning Mix – Beef Dip, an onion and some beef. Placed them all in my slow cooker and voilà supper was prepared. EASY!

Look at this Family Friendly Craft we made:

Decorative Pencils - Family Craft -

Yes, we made super cute decorative pencils! Such an EASY craft and we had so much fun making them.

My daughters and I pulled out everything we might want to use to decorate the pencils and got crafting.

My husband even made some pencils too! He said it looked like fun and wanted to join in. The funny part is that the blinged out pencil is the one he made and also my daughters’ favorite pencil. Hehe

Family Friendly Craft Supplies
Children Crafting

Decorative Pencils


  • Wood pencils
  • Washi tape
  • Decorative thread
  • Ribbon
  • Bakers’ Twine
  • Jewels
  • Origami paper
  • Craft glue
  • Scissors
  • Paint
  • Glitter or glitter paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Hot glue gun
Pencil Decorating Supplies


Step 1: Take out the pencils you want to decorate and just DECORATE and have fun!! Seriously, no instructions needed! Paint, stick and enjoy yourselves!

We made these pencils by wrapping various washi tapes around the pencils.

Pencils Decorated with Washi Tape

You can also wrap thin paper or origami paper around the pencil and use hot glue to adhere it.

Pencils decorated with Origami Paper

We blinged out these pencils by sticking on jewels and decorative thread. We stuck everything on with hot glue.

Blinged Pencils

The girls had sooooo much fun!!

Fun Family Craft
Decorate Pencils with Kids
Decorating Pencils

Here we are with our decorative pencils!

The DIY Dreamer Family

I bet you’d like to see close-ups of our pencils,….

Decorative Pencils - Pencils decorated with kids -
Custom Pencils
Decorative Pencils Tutorial
Family Friendly Craft - Decorated Pencils
Personalized Pencils Tutorial

Didn’t they turn out great? I can’t get over how cute they are!

Gabrielle has already taken a couple of them to school, she’s excited to write with them.

If you want more decorative pencil inspiration, check out our gold pencils.

After our day of crafting, we were exhausted. I’m happy that I didn’t have to worry about dinner. YAY for slow cooker meals!

If you haven’t tried Club House Slow Cookers Seasoning Mixes, you should! They are super yummy and come in various seasoning mixes; Beef Dip, Chicken Stew, BBQ Pork, Beef Stew, Beef Stroganoff, Caribbean Style Pot Roast, Italian Herb Chicken, Pot Roast and Sweet and Sour Chicken

I haven’t tried them all, but the ones I have tried are delicious. I’m looking forward to trying the BBQ Pork!

Hope you’re having a fabulous day!


If you need family-friendly activity inspiration, be sure to visit “Fun Ways to Spend Time with Your Family” for entertaining things you and your family can do together.

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  1. What a fun craft! I love craft ideas that are fun, easy and also practical! Having a blinged out pencil might really encourage a reluctant writer to go a little further during writing time at school and at home!

    Really cute!

    These slow cooker spice mixes are really intriguing! I think you’ve convinced me to give them a try!

    Great post!

  2. What a fun craft! My daughter would love to do this…she’d spend all day creating! And don’t you just love putting together a crockpot in the morning and dinner is ready?! I want to try the Clubhouse Beef Dip mix – it sounds so good!

  3. What an awesome art project, love it! Especially as the art is something that anyone can use once the project is complete (love useful art, heh.)

    And how amazing are slow cookers?? They make delicious meals so easy to put together without having to stand by the stove all night long! Club House slow cooker seasonings are amazing, so will have to try that Beef dip sometime this week, it sounds yummy. :)

    1. So happy you like the pencils!! :)

      Yes the Club House Slow Cookers Seasoning Mixes are fabulous!! I spent all day making Sébastien’s birthday cake yesterday (tons of different steps to put the cake together)… then I was sooooo tired when it was time to make supper (he offered to order Pizza). Of course I didn’t let him and made supper anyways…. but sure wish I would have put something in the slow cooker in the morning instead..

  4. What fun pencils!!!! I think I would not want to do any classwork with those – I’d want to look at them all day!!! So stinkin cute!!! :) Thanks so much for linking up to Sunday Best. XOXO

  5. I would love to make these with my girls. Such a cute idea. Does the washi tape get stuck in the pencil sharpener? Found your blog through Bewitch me & Titi blog hop.

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